Let Rama, Dr Frederick Lenz's Tapes Teach

Zen Mind, Computer Mind"

-- from Rama's tapes

Source Tape: Tantric Zen

Rama says: "What I term as Tantric Zen, I could also refer to as an old Zen, the original face of Zen, or new Zen, contemporary Zen practice. No mind. The mirror of existence. . . Zen without rules. Zen without form . . . So if you find that you're both conservative and liberal, if you're drawn to the Himalayas and the snowy regions, and at the same time drawn to the middle of the urban metro environment . . . and you also want inner realization and enlightenment, Tantra's for you."

Rama suggests that this time on the earth, "the age of Zen mind, computer mind", is a good time for Tantric Zen. The eclectic mind does well with this practice.

The practice of Tantric Zen is recommended for students who have meditated for many years and have developed very strong states of mind. Tantric Zen is a state of mind. People who are comfortable with Tantric Zen are very broad minded, and don't have a problem with being liberal and conservative. There is no contradiction because they see the perfection of all things. Samsara is Nirvana. Students who are comfortable with Tantric Zen practice are in love with the finite and infinite, and see that they are the same.

The emphasis is on meditation, the formal practice of Zazen-meditation. When a student is not "sitting" they are using all experiences life presents as "grist for the mill of their own awakening" (Ram Dass).

"Everything aids everything, because all things are a reflection of the Buddha mind, of the mind of Enlightenment."

I think it is important to recognize "discipline" is part of the practice, rules may be used, but at this level of practice they are not required. Bottom line, you are fluid, in the moment. You are not stuck in one system of thinking, and therefore one day you may be a vegetarian, the next you may munch on a Cheeseburger in Paradise! You may find that polar opposite viewpoints make sense. Remember this broad minded, eclectic sense of life is driven by your state of awareness, which is related to your practice of Zen and Zazen. Don't confuse it with anything goes, -- you are listening to the perfection of each moment, based on the mind of enlightenment.




Drawn from Dr Frederick Lenz's Teachings

Rama presented thousands of techniques that were intended to help students along their own pathway to enlightenment. Techniques presented here may be useful for you. The teachings are meant to be used by students who are serious about their practice, and their own enlightenment.

A special thanks to
Lynne (Samadhi) for her writing, and the inspiration to begin this feature.


Let Dr Lenz's Tapes Teach

      "Dragon Tape Case" graphic was created with original artwork and clipart.    


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