Let Rama, Dr Frederick Lenz's Tapes Teach

Psychic Self-Defense

-- from Rama's tapes

Source: 1985 Tape
Psychic Self-Defense

Rama says: "Learning to meditate, focus, learning the occult and mystical arts, this will teach you how to create more than enough energy for yourself, and even to give to some others who may need energy in their quest. But draining energy from others accomplishes nothing. . . .I advise people, don't manipulate, don't drain life force from others, it doesn't stay with you....When you drain energy from someone else you also pick up their thoughts."

Rama points out that everybody has a light and dark side, since we are "all reflections of the universe, which contains all things." Knowing that, we need to watch our self, and our own manipulation and psychic predatorship, as well as the psychic attack, or manipulation from others. When we manipulate others, we put a line in to them that gives them access to sap our own life force. And when another person has a line into you, you pick up their thoughts. "And if you're interested in becoming really powerful, you can't have anyone else's thoughts inside you."

As you consider your psychic defense tactics know that people can manipulate and drain you through emotions: fear, love, desire, need, hate, anger. People who are attempting to drain your energy, (because they don't want to take the time to access it through practice), do whatever they can to get your attention. They want you to think about them.

So what do you do? You practice the art of self-discovery. You access the infinite light that is directly available to you. You know that there are psychic vampires out there, and you keep your energy tight and high so that your "seeing" will tell you when to protect your energy.

"Practice not thinking about people, and you'll notice if you think about fewer people, your attention field will be higher and brighter." If you are thinking about someone a lot, there is a good chance that they using a line to push into your field of attention.

"People want your life force more than you realize. . . .at this point one can become extremely paranoid and start to blame everything that you don't succeed in in life or every problem that you have on others who are taking your life force, which is a wonderful way of excusing yourself and not doing those things. So here you have to be every careful to perceive properly when you are being manipulated and when you are just trying to blame others."

Editorial Note from Lynne: This 1985 tape holds important information for students at all levels. There are students who have moved into advanced practice. These students, perhaps more than others, need to understand and apply these principles. However, simultaneously, students in advanced practice realize that to hold onto the abundance of life energy that flows through them is incorrect. They have a line to eternity that allows their cup to runneth over, and it is now part of their practice to share that energy with others. That is advanced selfless giving. To do otherwise would likely interfere with their own progress.

Cautionary Note: I am perceiving the world through my own bubble of awareness, and therefore take this editorial with a grain of awareness!

Lynne of the San Diego DharmaCenter





Drawn from Dr Frederick Lenz's Teachings

Rama presented thousands of techniques that were intended to help students along their own pathway to enlightenment. Techniques presented here may be useful for you. The teachings are meant to be used by students who are serious about their practice, and their own enlightenment.

A special thanks to
Lynne (Samadhi) for her writing, and the inspiration to begin this feature.


Let Dr Lenz's Tapes Teach

      "Dragon Tape Case" graphic was created with original artwork and clipart.    


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