Let Rama, Dr Frederick Lenz's Tapes Teach


-- from Rama's tapes

Source: Late 1980's

Rama says: "If you could see the Earth from a vibratory point of view, and not be distracted by the physical, you would see something like radio waves, billions of them, cascading constantly in very complex patterns all of the Earth. These waves are emitted from the thoughts, feelings and actions of each individual life form here. That's what Karma is. So you do have an effect on the Universe around you. If you think positive thoughts, if you're happy and progressive, then that energy goes out and affects everyone on the whole planet, in subtle ways, perhaps, but it does. If on the other hand you are filled with hate and you're morose, and you're depressed, that energy will live on also. If you're cruel to others, and so on. So never feel that you don't have an effect. You DO have an effect. No action is wasted. That's Karma."

Rama discusses the complex, sophisticated concept of karma. He points out that karma is connected with mental states. The state of mind you are in is a culmination of all of your experiences from all of your lifetimes. When you do something now, it is a result of your attention level. Karma is not what most people think it is. You do something nice, and you can expect something like that in return.

Rama looks at two types of karma, physical and mental karma. The physical karma is of this lifetime, and the education and college degrees, careers, and all the money you make will not go with you into another lifetime. The second kind of karma, the mental karma, will continue. What you do in this lifetime will create a certain state of mind, and attention level, and that will stay with you. So, if what you do with physical karma impacts your mental karma-your awareness-you can take it with you! In other words, when you leave here this time, you will leave with a particular consciousness, awareness. That state of mind will go with you into your next incarnation.

For those of you who are focused on Enlightenment performing good actions and thinking good thoughts will not get you there. However, it will definitely point you in the right direction.

Keep in mind that the process of life has highs and lows. We can expect that we will go through the spectrum of life's emotions. It is important to remember that at any point you can shift your state of mind, you can always go up or down. Meditation and mindful practice allow you to shift your state of mind.




Drawn from Dr Frederick Lenz's Teachings

Rama presented thousands of techniques that were intended to help students along their own pathway to enlightenment. Techniques presented here may be useful for you. The teachings are meant to be used by students who are serious about their practice, and their own enlightenment.

A special thanks to
Lynne (Samadhi) for her writing, and the inspiration to begin this feature.


Let Dr Lenz's Tapes Teach

      "Dragon Tape Case" graphic was created with original artwork and clipart.    


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